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Bilingual | 江苏农业合作项目落地开花,丰富非洲人民“粮袋子”
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Bilingual | 江苏农业合作项目落地开花,丰富非洲人民“粮袋子”
发布日期:2025-01-22 14:03    点击次数:84
农业是大部分非洲国家的支柱产业。近年来,江苏与非洲国家间的农业合作蓬勃开展,一批批农业专家带着真情,带着良种和技术,跨越山海,让一个个农业项目落地开花结果,丰富了非洲人民的“粮袋子”,助力非洲稳步推进农业现代化。In recent years, Jiangsu has enhanced its cooperation with African countries in agriculture, which constitutes the backbone of many African economies. The province’s experts have actively shared their knowledge and skills in various projects, significantly contributing to food security and agricultural modernization across the continent. 传授种植技术,水稻亩产翻一番“试验田水稻平均亩产突破1000斤!”8月6日,江苏农林职业技术学院农学园艺学院教师蔡善亚,在微信群里看到肯尼亚宝藏农业发展公司负责人徐卓伟发出的喜讯,脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。今年3月28日,应江苏华越国际技术合作集团有限公司邀请,蔡善亚作为技术专家,赴肯尼亚开展水稻种植技术指导和培训。“水稻是肯尼亚重要的粮食作物,但是受栽培技术、病虫草害的影响,水稻产量一直不高,亩产在500斤左右。”蔡善亚说,经过深入调研发现,当地存在田块不平整、土壤板结、水秧田福寿螺危害严重等问题,直接影响到水稻产量。Cai Shanyan, a teacher from the School of Agronomy and Horticulture at the Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry (JVCAF), serves as an expert for the Shennong Institute of Agriculture in Nairobi, Kenya, established with the support of JVCAF. On August 6, he received information through WeChat from Xue Zuowei, head of Baozang Agricultural Development Company in Kenya, that the average rice yield in their test fields exceeded 500 kilograms per mu (about 666 sqm).During his visit on March 28, Cai provided guidance and training on rice cultivation in Kenya, where yields were around 250 kg per mu due to various challenges. His research identified several key issues affecting local yields, such as uneven fields, soil compaction and damage from invasive apple snails.肯尼亚宝藏农业发展公司是当地一家老牌企业,负责开展农业技术推广,在肯尼亚农民群体中享有较高知名度。根据安排,蔡善亚在该公司20亩试验田里,手把手指导公司员工以及当地农民进行水稻种植。“种植的是国内选育的稻种,我从育秧开始,实地示范种植技术。”蔡善亚说,前后有90名肯尼亚员工和农民跟着自己学习。针对当地水育秧技术存在的不足,蔡善亚教授水稻旱育秧技术,不仅让水稻秧苗整齐健壮、移栽后返青成活快,还使秧田不用长期灌水,减少福寿螺的危害;针对土壤板结问题,蔡善亚传授苗床覆盖稻壳技术,不仅有疏松土壤易出苗的效果,还能起到保温保墒防杂草的作用;针对当地福寿螺危害严重的现状,蔡善亚引进“稻鸭共作”栽培模式,利用鸭子消除稻田中的福寿螺和杂草,同时鸭子的排泄物可以提高土壤肥力。5月18日,蔡善亚完成水稻整个生长周期的教学和培训工作,启程回国。“当地是双季稻,我走的时候第一季水稻已经接近丰收,后面一季他们按照我传授的方法进行种植,取得了亩产1000斤的成果。”蔡善亚说,回国前自己根据当地的气候、土壤等条件整理出水稻生产技术要点资料赠予当地农民,为其扩大水稻生产规模提供参考。Baozang, a local enterprise known among Kenyan farmers, specializes in agricultural technology promotion. During the visit, Cai guided the company’s employees and local farmers on 20 mu of experimental fields. Before returning to China, he compiled a guide on rice cultivation adapted to local climate and soil conditions, providing a valuable reference for locals to increase rice production.JVCAF is home to many teachers like Cai who participate in international aid efforts. Over the past five years, the college has sent 10 experts to countries including Gabon, Kenya, and Ethiopia for training over 10,000 participants in disciplines such as rice cultivation, vegetable growing, veterinary science and agricultural machinery.像蔡善亚这样的援外教师,在江苏农林职业技术学院还有很多。该学院分别与江苏华越、隆平高科等“走出去”企业在肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚等国建设“神农学院”,注册覆盖40多个国家,两次获江苏省政府“小而美”项目立项资助。“神农学院主要开展4个方面工作,包括为‘走出去’企业的海外发展提供技术帮助、在当地开展农业技术人员培训、与企业共同开展课题研究以及为当地农业技术人员开发培训教材。”江苏农林职业技术学院国际教育学院院长杨广荣说,近5年共外派10名专家赴加蓬、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚等共建“一带一路”国家开展农技人员及职教师资培训,累计开展水稻种植、蔬菜种植、畜牧兽医、农业机械等方面农技人员培训超1万人次。Furthermore, schools in Jiangsu have implemented various programs to support agricultural development in African countries. For instance, on September 4, Weng Fei, a teacher at the Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, taught a rice cultivation course to a group of African students in a field. 一边育人才,一边送技术正值水稻抽穗扬花的关键时期,位于苏州市吴中区东山镇东南部的稻田里,一串串稻穗夹带花粉,随风飘扬,空气中弥漫着沁人心脾的稻香。9月4日一大早,苏州农业职业技术学院教师翁飞就带领一批非洲留学生来到这里,在田间地头讲授水稻种植相关课程。“光照、温度、湿度等因素对开花授粉都会产生重要影响。”来自刚果(布)的曼佐加·埃利亚诺特·斯蒂文操着一口流利的汉语向记者介绍,老师教给大家相应的管理控制技术,以及病虫害对应处理办法,让他们印象深刻。22岁的斯蒂文今年读大三,他还有个中文名字叫“满意”。满意的家乡位于刚果(布)西南部的黑角市,这里西临大西洋,常年高温多雨,当地农民习惯种植木薯、花生、玉米、西瓜、芒果等作物。满意说,在苏州农职院两年多的学习,他们不仅熟练掌握了汉语、熟悉了中国文化,更掌握了丰富的现代农业知识和先进技术。“人才是农业发展的关键,我们希望通过职业教育的纽带,带动当地学生更新知识理念、提升技术技能,把现代农业人才的‘种子’播撒在非洲大地上。”苏州农职院党委书记苏士利介绍,近年来,学校积极参与“未来非洲——中非职业合作计划”,招收非洲留学生来校学习。从2018年至今,学校一共招收来自刚果(布)、南非、肯尼亚等非洲国家的留学生78人。Among the group was Steven, a 22-year-old student from Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo, who is also known by his Chinese name "Manyi" (meaning satisfaction). He said that despite the fertile soil in his hometown, crop yields have been low due to substandard management and a lack of modern technology. Over more than two years of study at the institute, he and his classmates have mastered Chinese, become familiar with Chinese culture, and acquired a wealth of modern agricultural knowledge and technologies.Su Shili, Party chief of the institute, emphasized that human resources are key to agricultural development. The institute aims to update students' knowledge and enhance their technical skills, thus sowing the 'seeds' of agricultural talents across Africa.Since 2018, the institute has enrolled 78 students from countries such as the Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa and Kenya. These students specialize mainly in modern agriculture, agricultural technology and equipment, international agricultural trade, and horticultural technology.一边育人才,一边送技术。2021年,在苏州市和黑角市两地政府联手推动下,苏州农业职业技术学院中刚地方农业远程科教服务中心成立,通过建设一站式农业远程科教服务平台,远程指导生产和示范,培训海外技术人才,促进当地农民增收。苏州农职院国际合作交流处处长许建生介绍,依托该中心,学校目前已开展番茄、茄子、西瓜栽培等主题的现代农业技术技能线上培训8场,为当地培训农业技术人员176人次。联合实验室,成致富大平台南京农业大学与非洲,30年来因为教育紧密联结。1994年,南京农业大学与肯尼亚著名农业专业院校埃格顿大学开展农业教育和农业技术合作。2013年,双方联合建成全球首个以农业为特色的孔子学院。2016年,由中国政府援建的中肯作物分子生物学联合实验室在此揭牌,成为科技部首批“一带一路”联合实验室之一。In Jiangsu’s extensive partnership with African countries, Nanjing Agricultural University has played a significant role for 30 years. In 1994, the university began its agricultural education and technological cooperation with Egerton University, Kenya’s premier agricultural institution. Then in 2016, the Kenya-China Joint Laboratory for Crop Molecular Biology was inaugurated, becoming one of the first "Belt and Road" joint laboratories designated by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology. 在中肯作物分子生物学联合实验室里,不同作物的小小幼苗正茁壮生长。“这个实验室目前是东非最好的分子生物学实验室,配备世界一流的科研设备。”南京农业大学园艺学教授刘高琼从1997年受“中肯高教合作计划”委派前往肯尼亚埃格顿大学担任园艺学客座教授至今。他告诉记者,团队30多名研究生都可以在实验室做科研。目前,实验室已育成粮用菜豆、高粱等多个新品种,比同类老品种普遍增产10%以上,有力促进了肯尼亚农业的发展。刘高琼说,两所高校合作30年,仅农业示范园就已培育14个品种,并推广应用。孔子学院里的“中肯园艺技术合作中心”是联合实验室的技术推广基地之一,建有8个塑料大棚。刘高琼介绍,肯尼亚每年旱季气候炎热,雨季农作物又极易遭遇虫害,来自中国的温室大棚技术让农户不再“靠天吃饭”。近几年,持续干旱威胁着非洲粮食安全。来自十几个非洲国家的农业学者在实验室里利用先进分子生物学技术,进行作物基因检测,筛选更具抗旱性的种子。联合实验室主任王秀娥介绍,两所高校还合作举办农业技术培训班、合作培养研究生,为肯尼亚和周边非洲国家培养了一批应用型和创新型农业人才。"This laboratory with world-class scientific equipment is currently the best of its kind in East Africa," said Liu Gaoqiong, a professor of horticulture from Nanjing Agricultural University. Liu has been a visiting professor at Egerton University since 1997. His team of over 30 graduate students conducts research in the lab, promoting the transition from traditional to modern breeding strategies. The laboratory has developed several new varieties of beans and sorghum, achieving yields over 10% higher than traditional varieties. Liu noted that the three-decade cooperation between the two universities has fostered the development of 14 new varieties in the demonstration farm alone and promoted their widespread application. 

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